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Stay ahead of ransomware attacks with Sophos

Organizations are increasingly taking a critical look at whether they run an increased risk in their ICT infrastructure and all critical data contained therein. Is the infrastructure still at the right level?

Prevent direct and consequential damage from ransomware

A good way to tackle automated attacks, weaknesses in remote desktop protocols and abuse of poor cloud security is to take a look at Sophos solutions. These prevent data leaks and direct and consequential damage that organizations do not want. In addition to burglary, taking data hostage or stealing it and offering it for sale is unfortunately commonplace. For example, if you detect a ransomware attack in time, the damage that occurs can be significantly limited. For example, this can ensure that only a few files or a small portion of data are encrypted, rather than an entire database. With ransomware, every second counts.

Security teams neutralize threats

However, rapid intervention is only possible if there is current insight into active threats that the organization is confronted with. Solutions such as Sophos Rapid Response provide this insight. Through this service you receive support from a specialized security team, which is available 24/7. The team consists of incident responders, threat analysts and threat hunters. They specialize in neutralizing cyber threats.

The right expertise prevents worse

Such a solution offers a lot of extra security. With Sophos, your customers can be sure that they have the right expertise when they cannot do without it. They also gain insight into the costs in advance, which are predictable. This is in contrast to many traditional forms of incident response, which are usually charged per hour. Will you be affected by a cyber threat during their license term? Then the security team will help you mitigate this threat at no extra cost.


Phishing is een van de meest voorkomende vormen van cybercriminaliteit waarbij kwaadwillenden proberen persoonlijke informatie, zoals wachtwoorden, creditcardnummers en andere gevoelige gegevens, te stelen door zich voor te doen als betrouwbare entiteiten. Phishing-aanvallen worden vaak uitgevoerd via e-mail, maar kunnen ook plaatsvinden via sms (smishing), telefoongesprekken (vishing). McPartners leert u graag omgaan met phising en hoe u zich hiertegen kunt beschermen.

Take targeted measures

Was the attack successfully repelled? Then you obviously want to prevent a recurrence. The Rapid Response team therefore also provides insight into the root cause of security incidents. This way you can take targeted measures and take security to a higher level.

2 Factor Authenticatie

Stel voor al je accounts 2 Factor Authenticatie in. Door 2 Factor Authenticatie in te stellen, keur je aanmeldingen goed door middel van je mobiele telefoon. Door deze tweede stap te configureren kunnen kwaadwilligen moeilijker toegang tot uw account krijgen.

Interested in Sophos solutions?

Contact the McPartners security team, available via 0348-485265 or

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